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The Pitch

A short pitch for potential buyers or licensors of this technology.
The Pitch
I am a physician-inventor who has developed a device that allows for marked radiation dose reduction in fluoroscopic exams.  The device allows the fluoroscopist to align and follow the patients using normal optical video rather than using fluoroscopic x-rays. I have performed a feasibility study that demonstrated a greater than 80% reduction in dose when using the device on pediatric fluoroscopic exams.
Dose Matters
Patients and regulatory bodies are increasingly aware of the risks of medical radiation.  The FDA has recently begun a new dose reduction initiative, and internationally the WHO has addressed dose reduction strategies.  Physicians and hospitals are seeking techniques and technology that further reduce patient exposure.  Dose is the market constraint on both conventional and c-arm fluoroscopy.
Fluoroscopy Matters
One of the main contributors to patient radiation dose is fluoroscopy.  Physicians have attempted to mitigate the risks by using pulsed fluoroscopy and collimation. Unfortunately, doses have been increasing rather than decreasing over time due to an increase in procedural use of fluoroscopy. There have been few recent advances reducing dose in fluoroscopy compared to CT.

The global fluoroscopy market was 5.9 billion in 2020.  The market is expected to expand to 7.5 billion by 2025.  Data from Global Market Insights Inc.
This Device Reduces Radiation Dose
My novel device uses conventional optical video to align the patient prior to using fluoroscopy. It also allows the fluoroscopist to follow moving patients without using radiation. Most diagnostic fluoroscopy exams require images timed to patient events such as urination or ingestion of contrast. My device allows for precise timing also reducing radiation dose. In a feasibility study already presented at the Society of Pediatric Radiology Conference in 2019, the device was shown to reduce radiation dose by more than 80%.
This Device Has Other Benefits
While the primary objective of the device is to reduce patient and operator radiation dose, the device has multiple other benefits. For example, the cameras allow increased visualization of the patient for the fluoroscopist, which has resulted in parents reporting increased confidence in the radiologist’s awareness of the patient’s status. Also, physicians in training report an improved learning curve when learning how to perform fluoroscopy. The fluoroscopist is able to provide more immediate feedback to assisting technologists regarding patient positioning as well.  OFF reduces patient exam times allowing for greater patient turnover in the fluoroscopy suite as well.
This Device Can Differentiate Your Products From Your Competitors
Modern fluoroscopes are purchased either as a multi-use suite including DR or as a C-arm fluoroscopy unit frequently used during procedures. Inclusion of my device will set the systems apart from their competitors. A fluoroscopy unit including my device can boast potential radiation dose savings of more than 80% than its competitors. The device is novel and represents a cutting-edge advancement in dose control strategy. It was conceived by a practicing radiologist and thus represents end-user input into the design of the machine. The concept and design are patent pending and full international intellectual property protection is being sought.
Integrating This Device Into Your Existing Fluoroscope Designs Will Produce Synergies
When the device is integrated into a fluoroscopy machine, further benefits will be seen than what were achieved by the prototype.  The largest synergy would be including visualization of collimation. Collimating prior to fluoroscopic acquisition will further reduce the dose. Other benefits would be seen like static calibration with the fluoroscopic image and decreased footprint of the device. Finally, placing the OFF video monitor next to the fluoroscopy monitor would further ease use of the device.
I Seek a Manufacturing Licensor/Buyor to Begin Including the  Device in Their Systems
The device has moved from concept to prototype to working device.  Feasibility studies were expected to show dose reductions, but the device has exceeded expectations.  The device is ready today to be included in fluoroscopy designs. I seek a manufacturing partner or buyer to include the design in their fluoroscopes. I seek this partnership as the inventor and as a practicing physician who wants to further reduce radiation exposure for my patients, my technologists and myself.
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